The AVA is following the curriculum of Assam Higher Secondary Education Council. The medium of instruction and
communication in the premises is both English and Assamese.
Students of Class XI (Science Steam) attended Ishan Vikas
Programme under Ministry of HRD at IIT Delhi (November, 2017)
Application form for admission to the AJAGAR VALLEY ACADEMYis
attached with the Prospectus. The form completed in all respsct is to
be submitted to the office of the Principal in time.
About us
AJAGAR VALLEY ACADEMY is a growing institution with brilliant academic performance. Within a short span of
time, it has earned the reputation as an institution with potentiality for excellence. The Academy is well connected with Goalpara town, Goalpara Railway Station and all other places through various modes of transport.
The legacy of AJAGAR VALLEY ACADEMY started with the handing over of Jupiter English School by School Management Authority to give a proper shape and build up the institution as an ideal centre for learning. Since August 2007 ,AJAGAR SOCIAL CIRCLE has tried its level best to uplift the school to an ideal one. The Co-operation of the people in general and the guardians in particular is the source of inspiration in this regard.
Talk to us
Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.